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Upcoming events

    • 12 Mar 2025
    • 5:00 PM - 7:30 PM
    • Flyover at Navy Pier (600 E Grand Ave)

    CTPA Quarterly Meeting (In-Person)
    Wednesday, March 12 from 5:00-7:30pm 

    Flyover at Navy Pier (600 E Grand Ave)

    We are kicking off our first quarterly meeting of the year at a very special venue: Navy Pier's Flyover! The event will take place in Flyover's meeting space, and here is the tentative agenda:

    • Mingling with complimentary catering from Flyover.
    • An update on Flyover's first year in Chicago and what is planned in 2025.
    • A presentation on what is special and new at Navy Pier in 2025.
    • An organizational update from your CTPA officers.
    • A free ride on Flyover. It's an amazing experience!

    Parking is available at Navy Pier, and we are working on getting a discounted rate. We are also working on potentially making the presentation portion of the meeting available virtually. You will need to have paid your 2025 membership dues to attend this special event.

    If you register for this event and can no longer attend, please cancel your own registration on either the CTPA website's calendar or the WildApricot app.

    • 10 Apr 2025
    • 10:00 AM - 12:30 PM
    • 6001 West Pershing Road, Cicero, IL
    • 23

    Stickney Water Reclamation Plant Tour
    Thursday, April 10 from 10:00am-12:30pm
    6001 West Pershing Road, Cicero, IL

    Nearly 450 billion gallons of wastewater are treated annually by the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District's (MWRD's) seven facilities, and the Stickney Water Reclamation Plant is not only the biggest of them, it is one of the world's largest! On this exclusive CTPA tour, discover how the MWRD's one-of-a-kind water management system mitigates flooding and converts wastewater into valuable resources, like clean water, phosphorus, fertilizers, biosolids, and more. This tour is a great opportunity to better understand how the Chicago-area functions and how it is preparing for the future.

    Parking is available on-site and it is located near Pace buses. If you would like to car pool, please reach out to any of the other CTPA registrants or post on to the CTPA Facebook page. For those interested in joining, there is a CTPA lunch after the tour at the nearby Paisans Pizzeria (Berwyn) and register for that separate event here.

    Here are important details for the tour:

    • This special tour is limited to 30 participants. If you register for this event and can no longer attend, please cancel your own registration ASAP on either the CTPA website's calendar or the WildApricot app so that the next person on the waitlist can join.
    • Tour registration will initially only be available to CTPA members, but on March 1, registration will open so that members will be able to bring a non-CTPA guest if there is availability.
    • All tour participants need to complete the waiver form found here no later than March 27 which is also the last day to register. You will not be permitted to tour the facility without completing this in advance.
    • The tour starts promptly at 10:00 am, so please plan to arrive by 9:45 am for check-in. If you show up late, you may not be able to join the tour group.
    • You will need to bring the original copy of the ID used in the aforementioned waiver form to the facility upon check-in.

    I hope you can join for this really special CTPA event!

    • 10 Apr 2025
    • 12:45 PM
    • Paisans Pizzeria, 6226 West Ogden Avenue, Berwyn, IL

    Lunch after the Stickney Water Reclamation Plant Tour

    Paisans Pizzeria (Berwyn)

    Thursday, April 10 at 12:45pm

    6226 West Ogden Avenue, Berwyn, IL

    After our Stickney Water Reclamation Plant Tour (separate registration is needed for that program),  we can head to Paisans Pizzeria (Berwyn) just one mile away for lunch. It's right on Route 66 and is filled with associated decorations. This is also a great opportunity to socialize with your fellow CTPA members!

    Please register for this lunch if you plan on joining so that there is an accurate headcount. If you register for this event and can no longer attend, please cancel your own registration ASAP on either the CTPA website's calendar or the WildApricot app.

    If there is a low number of lunch registrations, we will be getting separate checks for everyone. If there is a high number, a group order for pizza, salad, and fountain drinks will be placed with a flat fee collected from each attendee in advance.

    I hope you can join this CTPA social event!

    • 21 May 2025
    • 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM
    • The Revival (906 S Wabash Ave)

    CTPA Quarterly Meeting (In-Person)
    Wednesday, May 21 from 5:00-7:00pm
    The Revival (906 S Wabash Ave)

    Our 2nd quarter meeting is happening at one of Chicago's newest entertainment venues: The Revival! The event will take place in their improv theater space close to the one-year anniversary of moving into this Wabash Ave location (check out the Block Club Chicago feature). Here is the tentative agenda:

    • Mingling with refreshments.
    • An overview of The Revival and how your tour guests may be interested in events here, especially your student groups after the closure of Blue Man Group.
    • A to-be-finalized presentation from an additional guest speaker.
    • An organizational update from your CTPA officers.

    Parking is available at directly across the street in surface parking lots at the intersection of Wabash Ave and 9th St. We are also working on potentially making the presentation portion of the meeting available virtually. You will need to have paid your 2025 membership dues to attend this special event.

    If you register for this event and can no longer attend, please cancel your own registration on either the CTPA website's calendar or the WildApricot app.

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